Thursday 26 March 2015

Honesty is The Best Policy

Honesty is the best policy. Becoming a product of a product

“Become a product of a product.” Wiser words were never said to me. I was told this a couple of years ago by a very wise marketing mentor Fatemi Ghani. He is a true leader, a mentor. Being in his company, I would feel that everything is possible, and be elated by his countless free lectures on health and wellness.

Let’s look at the following conversation I had with one of Oceans sales staff Li (An assumed name):

Me: Hi, I would like to have the mixed fruit cake (pointing at the glass cake shelf)

Li: Okay. The price is $22.99. Is that okay with you?

Me: Yes, that’s fine with me. Can you please give me the one behind the one you are picking up? It is a bit damaged on the side. (A dab of cream had been wiped off due to mishandling)

Li: Sure, no problem. I will get you the one you want. (Takes out the cake I asked for carefully) Anything else?

Me: Yeah. Is the cake fresh? Did you get it today?

Li: (Looking at the bottom of the cake cardboard) I believe its 3-4 days old. Do you still want it?

Me: (After a bit of contemplation) Hmm, Yeah, sure. Box it up for me please. Thank you.

Now an analysis of this conversation. Li not only ranked high in customer satisfaction scale, she also scored high in being honest and she just won a long-term customer or advertiser. This conversation could have gone either ways. I could have just left the cake after being told how many days it has been sitting on the shelf. It wouldn’t have made a difference on Li winning me over with her honesty. I would have still come around again any other day and if it was a fresh cake (made on the same day), I would have bought it. I think I am playing a role of an advertiser at this moment by mentioning the honesty of the staff at the cake counter.

Being honest goes a long way. In my previous post, I described how people are the fuel to making your business a success in the digital world. It is a longer road to attain success, but it is road cemented with trust, being honest and selling in what you believe.

In the digital world, as a business you have more exposure. You have social media working to your advantage to interact with your audience. People, if they show an interest in you, would like to see your history, your testimonials, your growth, reviews done about your business before they even start up a conversation with you. Make sure that you have a social media individual or department who looks up the Internet to reach out to people who have queries or complains or is monitoring the Internet to find out inspiring ways of how to sell your product.

What businesses should understand is that it is far more important to tailor things around the customer’s needs. Customers that believe in your organization and your products will only be happier to know that you are genuinely interested about their problems and you are doing your best in coming up with solutions.

Next up, I will be talking about how our favorite coffee place drives business by using digital marketing and promotions.

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