Tuesday 24 March 2015

Google - An Important Digital Marketing Tool

Courtesy: http://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-begins-rollout-payday-loan-algorithm-3-0-today/109569/

Let’s consider the following terms used commonly when describing things in the world of search engine optimization:

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) – It is the use of tools and methods to make sure that your website appears at the top of the results page thus increasing their visibility through clever keyword searches.

Organic Search Results – The non-paid search results that appear in a search engine. They appear below the paid searches.

PPC (Pay Per Click) Ads – These advertisements appear either at the top, left or bottom part of a search results page.

CTR (Click Through Rate)It is a way of measuring the success of an online advertising campaign for your website as well as the effectiveness of an email campaign by the number of users that clicked on a specific link.

Lead Generation – Getting any of your contact information to send you tailored messages. E.g., your email address, phone number, Home or work address etc.

WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) – A common question asked by people when they feel intimidated with web offers!

Let me start with the WIIFM part of Google®. How many of us use Google® just to know about match scores or see reviews /offers/ discounts on a product or check stats of an actor or a famous personality or find a video of something that you recently saw in the news on TV?

Let’s face it. For most of us, Google® search engine is always opened up on a separate tab or a window. We cannot live without Google® because Google® takes care of most of our trivial tasks. Most of the time, out of hurry, or due to lack in knowledge, we even type the wrong spellings. Google not only corrects us, but it displays the exact accurate search on what we are looking for. So how does Google® do all the mind reading?

There are more than 200 mini programs, algorithms or bots that Google® uses to give you that accuracy in your search results which are based on numerous factors. A digital marketer should be using some of those factors to enhance its website. We are going back to using HTML coding on our pages as Google® scours our webpages for key words in our HTML tags to rank them in organic search results. Other things that define the ranking of your page is as follows:

  • The number of page visits made by users
  • The CTR
  • Relevancy to the search criteria entered by the user
  • Keywords on your landing page
  • PPC

There is a very important tool that people or organizations can use to see their site traffic. Effective use of this tool can help convert leads into sales by a tremendous rate. It’s called Google Analytics®. This tool has been used by developers to monitor site traffic, effective keywords that generate leads and sales etc. Another great tool to help you in digital marketing is Google Adwords. Intelligent developers constantly scour the Internet to know the things that are trending and use it to their advantage to get more traffic to their web site.

After discussing a bit about Google®, my next topic will be focused on the one resource which drives Digital Marketing. Check out some amazing resources on my blog list for fun reads. There are great videos and interesting reads. I even included the official blog site of Google®. Check this link below for a bit of Google Fun:

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